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TV Series Lockup – Herbert L Maris (Starring Macdonald Carey)

Herbert L Maris
Macdonald Carey plays a Philadelphia lawyer.

Ever heard of Herbert L Maris? Me neither. But he is the subject of an old TV show!

TV is not the only source of video entertainment. Online viewing is increasing in popularity. One such source is YouTube.

Classic Viewing at Its Best

1959-1960 was a golden year for TV shows. One was a lawyer series. It starred Macdonald Carey. He played true life Philadelphia lawyer Herbert L. Maris.

Introducing Herbert L Maris

Each episode opens with the words: “These stories are based on the files and case histories of Herbert L Maris, prominent attorney, who has devoted his life to saving the innocent.”

Just who was he? Herbert was the son of George Lewis and Anna Mary Pinkerton Maris. Herbert married Elmira Pompeii.  He had a sister, Elizabeth P. born 1912.

Herbert is buried at the Rosedale Friends Cemetery in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

True Stories Can Be Cool

His obituary gives a view of the real man. The Morning Herald of Uniontown, PA read:

PHILADELPHIA API-Herbert L. Maris, 80, nationally prominent attorney whose escapades in proving convicted criminals innocent and the subject of a television program, died here today. He suffered a heart attack. Maris, primarily a corporation lawyer, was known for his activities on behalf of convicted criminals. His investigations proved the innocence of a number of prisoners. Maris’ unusual hobby is documented on a TV show known as “Lockup.” The program syndicated and reportedly seen on more than 180 stations from coast-to-coast. One of his noteworthy cases before the slate courts of Pennsylvania resulted in the eventual release of more than 700 prisoners. It involved a victory on an interpretation of the state law on parole violators. Maris, the son of an attorney and educator, was a native of nearby West Chester, Pa, He practiced law in Pennsylvania for 55 years. Maris is survived by his widow, Elmira Pompeii Maris, and a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Maris Snagg of Medford, N. J. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Below are a few shows I have chosen. I hope you like them. YouTube offers many more to enjoy.

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