The Quintessential Aromatic Hydrocarbon Benzene (Pt.2)

[caption id="attachment_6069" align="alignright" width="440"] Benzene De-localized Pi-system - CCA Share Alike 3.0 Unported by Vladsinger[/caption] In Part One of The Quintessential Aromatic Hydrocarbon Benzene, we saw that the so-called 1,3,5-cyclohexatriene was really not completely described by the structure that that name implies. It is equivalent to 2,4,6-cyclohexatriene (if you flip the 1,3,5- structure over, and you get the 2,4,6- structure), and includes a variety of other contributing factors. Although we did not list them, they may include ionic contributors.1 In general, these are discounted. Visualizing Benzene's Structure The conclusion is that the compound actually has six equivalent bonds between adjacent carbon atoms, forming six internal angles angle each equal to 60°. The bonds are each, then, “single-and-one-half” bonds between each carbon pair. The molecule is flat, even as a collection…
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