Thumbnail Mystery 2: How the Bee Doth Sting

Entertainment, Technology
[caption id="attachment_15570" align="alignright" width="340"] By Chocolate Horlicks - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0[/caption] It was the beginning of August, the peak of Summer and it was stifling; there was no breeze. If there had been a breeze, the humidity would only have made matters worse. Some had left Chicago because of it. You see, it was the fifth day of an unprecedented power failure. Despite that, the trial was in full swing. The prosecution's key witness was sequestered in the federal building's second floor from the top. Despite the building's state of the art design, because of the power failure, the windows were wide open. Malachi "Ky" Haworth was lone witness to a high-profile assassination. Left unguarded, he'd have been dead before his next breath. The Final Night Ky asked…
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Thumbnail Mystery: Mike Rubino – Music to Die For

Entertainment, Logic
Thumbnail Mystery: No one truly liked Mike Rubino. Oh, he had his circle of “friends” and he believed in them. But they all had their reasons to be nice to him. You’d think he’d realize that, but he didn’t. Mike had redeeming qualities. It’s just they were overpowered by the “other” kind. “Hey George, c’mere.” When Mike called, you came. “What? What do you want?” The ‘party of the second part’ was George “Big Nose” Hamlin. One finger or the other was always up-it. George was the closest thing to an actual friend Mike had. Mike viewed George as his “right-hand man.” Uh, yeah. Let's not go there... The catch is, this wore on George’s nerves—George, get this—George, get that. In a low voice Mike said, “D’ja hear from Eddy?”…
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Newsflash! Solution to Mystery of a Tombstone Found in a VA River

[caption id="attachment_8599" align="alignleft" width="340"] A tombstone was found in a river...[/caption] There was a tombstone that was discovered in a river in Augusta County. The name was not clear, but what was decipherable included the words, “daughter of J. & S. J. Sutton, born May 17, 1869, died March 18, 1889.” What was the name on the stone? Who did it belong to? Tombstone: SUTTON The name on the stone, if the woman had been unmarried, was Martha C. Sutton. She was the daughter of Joshua and Sallie J. Sutton. But just a little research revealed much more than this. Joshua was married to Sarah Jane Ralston. Sallie is a common abbreviation for the name Sarah. This couple proved to be prolific. Martha C. married at age 18 to Ambrose…
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