Fission Energy Vs. Total Energy of Uranium-235

Nature, Physics
The fission of one atom of uranium-235 releases 3.24 × 10-11 Joules of energy. One mole of atoms (235 grams) produces 6.022 x 1023 times that amount of energy.¹ How much energy is that? Energy From Splitting One Mole Uranium-235 Atoms We calculate, Eone mole 235U = 3.24 x 10-11 x 6.022 x 1023 = 1.95 x 1013 Joules or 19,500,000,000,000 Joules. This is a tremendous amount of energy. It is the energy of each mole of uranium found in an atomic bomb! It is millions of times more energy than any chemical reaction. But is this the ultimate energy matter can produce? By no means! Total Energy in One U-235 Atom When an atom of uranium is split, it does not entirely disappear. Rather, fragments are produced – atoms…
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Inert Gas Compounds?

[caption id="attachment_16914" align="alignright" width="440"] Xenon Tetrafluoride[/caption] There are millions of compounds. Some of them are even inert gas compounds. We were taught in high school that there are special, inert gases in the Periodic Table. These include radon and krypton, and are found in the column furthest to the right of the table. But that was then. Now we will learn that not all of those gases are all that inert. In addition to being called inert, the far right column gases are sometimes called rare or noble gases. These gases have a completed outer shell of electrons. So it would seem they should have no tendency to gain or lose electrons. But just how true is that? Can inert gases form compounds? Platinum Hexafluoride Platinum hexafluoride is formed by…
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