Maximize Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas Production

[caption id="attachment_11780" align="alignright" width="480"] What fuel do you use?[/caption] Heating one’s home is important to life and comfort. However, as in other areas of life, there are issues to consider. Burning fuel for heat releases carbon dioxide greenhouse gas. But now, let’s flip that. Let’s consider it from the “Devil’s perspective.” Consider the production of destructive carbon dioxide as the intended accomplishment, with the release of heat as a side effect. Fuel of Choice The fuel we choose is based in part on cost in dollars and cents. Some of our choices are heating oil, wood, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and coal. In terms of cost, how do these compare? Back to the flip, how efficient are these fuels in maximizing carbon dioxide greenhouse gas production? For simplicity’s sake, we…
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Using Buffalo, Cow, or Camel Dung for Fuel

[caption id="attachment_9613" align="alignright" width="440"] Komaya (cow) dung being prepared for fuel.[/caption] Fossil fuels are used for energy to heat homes and serve commercial and other purposes. Other sources include geothermal and solar energy. But there is a very important and non-fossil fuel commonly in use throughout much of the world. The resource is plentiful and offers an assortment of advantages as well. You don't mean (yes I do) animal dung for fuel? Dung for Fuel The dung of choice is – yes – buffalo, cow, llama, and camel dung. Dung is the excrement, manure, or feces of an animal, and is commonly called animal “pooh.” It is of ancient, historical origin, even being referenced in the Bible, although not in a positive context. Dung is most readily burned dry. It…
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