Organic Chemistry and Life: Has Vitalism Been Born Again?

Biology, Chemistry
[caption id="attachment_23607" align="alignright" width="480"] Pillars of Creation[/caption] The phrase ‘organic compound’ relates to the word organism, closely associated with life and life processes. Organic compounds largely consist of carbon atoms linked in chains or rings that contain hydrogen and frequently one or more other atoms called hetero atoms – notably oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. Inorganic compounds are everything else – for example, nickel chloride, ammonium nitrate, carbon dioxide, and phosphorus pentoxide. It is important to recognize that there are a relative handful of organic compounds that do not contain carbon chains or rings, but result from life processes, including for example, urea, NH2-CO-NH2.. During the 1800s, scientists widely believed organic compounds could not be generated in the laboratory. However, in the year 1828, chemist Friedrich Wöhler converted inorganic ammonium…
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The Futility of Forging Science into Philosophy

[caption id="attachment_6638" align="alignright" width="480"] Finding the answer.[/caption] At one time, most people were deeply religious, allowing their beliefs to direct their actions. That is, generally speaking, not the way of most of the world. Religion as a force for good is no longer the norm. In its place, some would forge science into philosophy, a substitute for religion. How futile! Science Into Philosophy Science is one of the most fascinating studies one can undertake. Science helps explain how the universe functions. But just as a hammer isn't the tool to remove a tooth, science isn't the tool to determine origins. Consider some examples. Astronomy The universe inspires believers in creation. Those not believing see only a big bang. Believers in creation can’t "prove" to the satisfaction of disbelievers that creation…
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