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Science: Sun Worship?

sun worshipI once read that science for some is roughly the same as Sun Worship. At first, I thought, “That’s ridiculous.” But over the years, I have changed my mind. Why?

Religion a Science?

For centuries, men worshiped Nature. Foremost was sun worship. The sun imparted light and warmth. Of course, there were other gods. The moon, rivers, dogs, cats, and so on.

I am a scientist – a chemist. I love science. It explains much about our surroundings and about ourselves as well. Science is the source of technological advances. But with anything good, expect misapplication, if not outright abuse.

Science a Religion?

Science has been glorified with almost mystic properties, as if it is the ultimate source of understanding, in a sense a source of salvation. Journalists have painted pictures of how science will someday solve all of our problems. Food for all. Peace. Security. Medical advances will eradicate sickness, even death.

Science an Enemy?

In reality, hasn’t science greatly magnified many of our problems? For instance, war. Has science not advanced warfare? Gas and germ warfare? Attack from the air via planes and rockets? Then there’s the splitting of the atom. Atomic warfare could wipe out Earth’s population. But let’s not stop there. What possibilities lie ahead thanks to genetic engineering and location implants?

Science: Modern Sun Worship?

In view of the past, do we honestly imagine scientific advances will bring warmth and enlightenment to all mankind? If so, we are not learning from the past.

This song reflects the feelings of some.

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