Doubtless you find the little gold nugget at right very beautiful, despite its odd shape? It is quite valuable, also. We hope you will find the science nuggets we present here lovely, informative, and above all else quirky. Perhaps some of these pieces will help you better appreciate what many profess they can’t stand?
Science Nuggets
- Crookes Radiometer
- What are Allotropes?
- Antibiotics from Dirt?
- Inert Gas Compounds?
- Anatomy of a Dog’s Tail
- Progenitor of the Carrot?
- The Odor in Natural Gas?
- Imaginary Numbers Real?
- Euglena: Plant or Animal?
- Mummy Ötzi and the Bible
- How Cream Turns to Butter
- Termite Methane Generator
- Poppy Seeds Drug Positive?
- Does Ice Cool Warm Water?
- Seismic Events & Clathrates
- Cubane: The Chemist’s Toy?
- Tires to Lemons? Not Exactly
- Exotic Perfume and Ambergris
- Star Processes: Iron and Nickel
- Antimatter Opposite of Matter?
- Red and Yellow Makes Orange?
- The Crane Fly a Giant Mosquito?
- Heavy Water -vs.- Regular Water
- Limonene Citrus Cleaner Chemistry
- Bakelite: The Chemistry of Art Deco
- Why Sulfuric Acid Turns Sugar Black
- Xylitol – A Natural Artificial Sweetener
- Woodward cis-Hydroxylation Reaction
- Glass, Rubber, and Gravitational Lenses
- Organic Chemistry: What is Ring Strain?
- What are Amphoteric and Amphoterism?
- The Iron Sandwich Compound Ferrocene
- Does Glass Flow? Is it Liquid or Is It Solid?
- The Bent Water Molecule – Why Is It Bent?
- The Differences Between Flagella and Cilia
- Why Electroless Plating and Electroplating?
- The Curiously Stable Dodecaborate Dianion
- The Persistent Triphenylmethyl Free Radical
- Alcohol Protonation: Synthesis Intermediate
- How Does Thioglycolate Hair Remover Work?
- Fission Energy Vs. Total Energy of Uranium-235
- Converting Gas Temperature to Particle Velocity
- Don’t Monkey Around – What is a Banana Bond?
- Tetrahydrofuran or Diethyl Ether – Which to Use?
- From Acids to Superacids: From Lavoisier to Olah
- Cooling Atoms to Millionths of 1 Degree by Laser?
- LCAO-MO Chemical Bonding Theory & Examples
- Make Homemade Iron Gall Ink from Oak Tree Galls
- Degrees of Oxidation Using Methane as an Example
- Was Mom Right? Is Eating Carrots Good for the Eyes?
- Organic Ozonides – How They Form, How They React
- The Zwitterion: Nature, Occurrence, Ongoing Research
- Silicon Tetrachloride Acts Like an Electronegative Atom
- What Is the Difference Between an Orbit and an Orbital?
- Dimethylsulfoxide, DMSO: Snake Oil? Why or Why Not?
- Hydrofluoric Acid: A Weak Acid – Yet It Dissolves Glass?
- Muonium: An Atom Similar to Hydrogen, Only No Protons!
- Sulfur Analogs of Oxygen-Containing Organic Compounds
- Beer Bottle Condensation: What Forces Produce Droplets?
- Is It a Honeybee? Is It a Bumble Bee? No, It’s a Carpenter Bee
- Energy from Matter – Chemical Energy, Atomic Energy, and Annihilation
- The Chemical Structure of the Anti-Fungal Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate