I would love for someone to write an article on the mathematics of a tornado. A tornado is rather like a spiral, affected by the media and media parameters surrounding it.
Doubtless, scale plays a role as well, even as scale causes the aeronautics equations of a jet to vary from those of a paper airplane.
Download Mathematics of a Tornado
I know of one publicly downloadable article on the subject of the mathematics of a tornado. It is written in broken English, but it was removed from its original online location. The good news is that it has been archived on Archive.org. Can you fully understand the piece and then in understandable terms, tell us exactly what it is saying?
Here is the file download on Archive.org, dated 2013: Remarks on Tornado Dynamics
The best I can make out, from consideration of what is “out there” is two major factors need close attention: 1. Multiple sources of tremendous energy. What different sources are involved, and 2. The mechanisms of transfer of that energy to the spinning vortex. Clearly the vortex can’t forcefully take the energy from its surroundings and neither can’t the surroundings force the vortex without its ability to form and draw the energy off. How does the rotation help dissipate the energy?
If you can assist, please avoid jargon and impressive speech. Simply teach us. We want to know.
Additional Application?
I wonder. Is it possible to create a model earth, then create tornadoes on its surface? Can tiny tornadoes be produced that can be seen and studied? What software is available for the modeling and study of the tornado?
Could there be tornadoes on elsewhere in the universe if there was sufficient atmosphere? In fact, certain stars? How would they be similar? How would they differ? Does the physics of a dust devil resemble that of a tornado closely enough it could be studied? Or could testing inside a dust devil be performed to better understand the mechanics of a tornado?
And if any or all of the above can be done, could the mathematics be applied to the drainage vortex of a sink or tub, or other occurrences in nature, such as among the galaxies of space?
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