Differences between Spider Silk and Cocoon Silk

Chemistry, Technology
[caption id="attachment_17656" align="alignright" width="440"] The Madagascar golden orb spider silk cape. Image CCA-SA 3.0 Unported by Cmglee[/caption] Spider silk and cocoon silk... What, if any, are the differences between these two materials? Spider Silk: An Overview Spider silk is a derivative of the structural protein fibroin, which consists largely of alanine (ALA) and glycine (GLY) amino acid sub-units. These two acids constitute about 67% of the total. Serine and other amino acids make up the remainder. There is a variety of forms of spider silk. Different specific glands are responsible for the different forms of silk. Most notable among silk varieties are dragline silk and capture silk. How do these two varieties compare? Dragline Silk Dragline silk is strong, but possesses a measurable degree of flexibility and extensibility. This variety…
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What is the Difference between Motor Oil and Grease?

Technology, Transportation
[caption id="attachment_15935" align="alignright" width="440"] Silhouette of working oil pumps on sunset background.[/caption] Lubricants are slippery substances that coat mechanical parts having tight tolerances so they can slide against each other with minimal friction. This is very important, since friction heats up the component parts, which lowers their lifetime. Sometimes oil may used to achieve satisfactory results. Sometimes grease is necessary. What is the difference between motor oil and grease? Oil Composition Refined oil is derived, as one would expect, from crude oil. Its composition varies due to the source of the crude as well as the processing needed to create the finished product. Oils are viscous, non-polar organic substances of biotic and/or abiotic origin. They do not readily adhere to other surfaces. That being the case, they afford a high…
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Fly Ash for Concrete: Lowers Cost, Rids Waste and Aids the Environment

Chemistry, Technology
[caption id="attachment_15873" align="alignright" width="440"] Finding uses for waste products - Fly Ash[/caption] Fly ash for concrete? Most concrete is formulated from water, broken stone or gravel, sand, and cement—generally Portland cement. The formulation can include a small quantity of waste material. Fly ash is one such waste material. It offers three advantages. It reduces the need to dispose of some of earth’s abundant fly ash waste, it decreases cost, and decreases helps decrease damage to the environment. What is Fly Ash? Fly ash is the lightweight particulate carried along by flue gases produced from burning coal in boilers. It may be removed electrostatic precipitation. Although coal is mostly carbon, coal deposits are embedded in rock. Thus, inevitably, burning coal yields some silica (SiO2), alumina (Al₂2O3), and calcium oxide (CaO). Tragically,…
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Energy from Matter – Chemical Energy, Atomic Energy, and Annihilation

Physics, Technology
[caption id="attachment_15861" align="alignright" width="440"] An example of fission: a neutron plus U235 produces U236 which breaks down into Kr92, Ba141, and 3 neutrons.[/caption] Energy (E) is crucial for life; there is no life apart from energy. Fortunately energy derived from matter exists abundantly. It is readily obtainable. Chemical E Our bodies require small installments of energy. This leads us to the dinner table. Our body breaks down the food we eat, liberating chemical energy that keeps us functioning and warm. For instance, there is the digestion of starch into sugar and energy. Sugar is further broken down into carbon dioxide, water, and still more energy. This form of energy can also be called molecular energy, since it comes from the breaking down of molecules. This involves the breaking of chemical…
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How Can a Rocket Fly in the Vacuum of Space?

Physics, Technology
Recently a friend told me he met a man who doesn’t believe in rockets flying in space. Why not? Because (he said) there’s nothing in space for a rocket to push against. There’s only vacuum—no air. A rocket fly in space? Nah. Rockets in space are products of film studios. A Stupid Thing to Say? That’s not really an entirely stupid statement. Imagine you’re on a chair with wheels. How can you move if you don’t push on something? But the man didn’t fully appreciate the rocket does push on something—or, rather, something pushes on the rocket—its fuel. To Illustrate Imagine one of those kids’ cherry bombs, a quarter-sized explosive kids set off on various occasions. Imagine a cherry bomb tied with a very sewing thread, suspended from a tree…
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Fixing VLC Player Gray Pixilated Video in Windows 7

Software, no matter how conscientious its producer, can at times present issues to a device user. A current Video LAN (VLC) player, with its famous orange safety cone icon, is no exception. Commonly, one sees VLC player gray pixilated video, especially under Windows 7. The Problem Currently at least some users experience interruptions during the playing of videos that often include severe to moderate gray pixilation for a number of seconds, sometimes followed by a clearing with a number of seconds of additional pause, before playing continues normally. Fighting VLC Player Gray Pixilated Video This has particularly been noted for the Windows 7 operating system, though others have had a similar experience using a different O.S. What is the cause? Forums and individuals have made many suggestions, most of which…
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Thumbnail Mystery 2: How the Bee Doth Sting

Entertainment, Technology
[caption id="attachment_15570" align="alignright" width="340"] By Chocolate Horlicks - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0[/caption] It was the beginning of August, the peak of Summer and it was stifling; there was no breeze. If there had been a breeze, the humidity would only have made matters worse. Some had left Chicago because of it. You see, it was the fifth day of an unprecedented power failure. Despite that, the trial was in full swing. The prosecution's key witness was sequestered in the federal building's second floor from the top. Despite the building's state of the art design, because of the power failure, the windows were wide open. Malachi "Ky" Haworth was lone witness to a high-profile assassination. Left unguarded, he'd have been dead before his next breath. The Final Night Ky asked…
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The Truck Jake Brake – Quiet Helpful Technology?

[caption id="attachment_13981" align="alignright" width="480"] “Jake Brake” Image by Sierra Fournier - Jacobs Vehicle Systems[/caption] The time is 1:30 in the morning. My house is along a small highway that carries moderate traffic at certain times of the day. It is graded slightly for about a tenth of a mile and has a bend in the road a few hundred feet past my home. Trucks constitute perhaps 10% of the traffic. As a truck picks up speed due to the grade and enters a straight-away, the driver may notice that curve in the road. Brakes are quickly applied. Diesel trucks have a special means of slowing down in addition to their ordinary braking system. It is called a Jake brake. This name is now generic, but at one time referred to…
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Nitrocellulose Motion Picture Film Decomposition

Chemistry, Technology
[caption id="attachment_13904" align="alignright" width="440"] Film Decomposition - Library of Congress[/caption] If you’re like me, you enjoy not only some of the more modern offerings of the motion picture industry, but many of the gems from the golden era. Sadly, some excellent productions are either damaged or lost due to nitrocellulose motion picture film decomposition. Nitrocellulose Motion Picture Film Motion picture films incorporate an emulsion atop a “plastic” substrate. Historically, this substrate has been made from three basic materials. The oldest of film varieties was cellulose nitrate, a.k.a. nitrocellulose. Films produced using this material were, and are, the most susceptible to loss through deterioration. It’s a matter of chemistry. Chemical Structures Notice the structure of cellulose, a major component of plant fiber. Then examine the largely similar structure of nitrocellulose. Take…
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Polyacetylene Conductive Polymer

Chemistry, Technology
[caption id="attachment_12124" align="alignleft" width="440"] Acetylene Welding - NASA[/caption] Metals are electrically conductive, yes. But is there such a thing as a polyacetylene conductive polymer? In a sense, a plastic that is not electrically insulative, but electrically conductive, and a top-notch conductor at that? Ethyne (AKA acetylene) polymerizes to polyethyne (polyacetylene) in the presence of copper catalysts. When prepared in an alternate way, polyacetylene (CH)2 exhibits moderate electric conductivity. Oxidation with iodine increases conductivity of the polymer by several powers of ten. In fact, it approaches the specific electrical resistance of silver. In 2000, Shirakawa, Heeger and McDiarmid received the Nobel Price for this discovery. How is the reaction written? And what is so special about polyacetylene conductive polymer? General Schematic Preparation of Polyacetylene The simple saturated molecule ethane is written…
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