Our newest author at QuirkyScience is Bob Chester. If anyone has an insight on the quirky, it is Bob. His very first article much impressed us. It is entitled Quasi-Spherical Orbits – The Interesting Curves You’ve Never Heard Of.
“What about Bob Chester?
He describes himself thusly:
Robert Chester is a retired teacher of English as a second language. He is also a private pilot, an inventor with one patent to his name, and has designed and built geodesic domes. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in the mid-1960s, and is bilingual in English and Spanish. He and a friend, Michael Burke, were already discussing their mutual interest in Buckminster Fuller when, in 1991, Michael wrote, “I have at odd times been working on an idea which others seem to have overlooked.” Thus was born the collaboration that resulted in the study of QSOs. The author lives in Tumwater, WA.
We warmly welcome Bob Chester to QuirkyScience!