Exotic Perfume and Ambergris. Do They Go Together?
Ambergris comes from the digestive tracts of sperm whales. Some refer to it as whale vomit.
It may be it is secreted to protect the whale in some way from the chitinous beaks of squid, a basic food of the sperm whale.
The quirky thing is: over time it develops an aroma and quality that makes it exceptional as a “fixative” for exotic perfumes.
Yes, perfume and ambergris were seemingly “made” for each other. Would you like to apply a little behind both of your ears?
An Author Comments on Perfume and Ambergris
Herman Melville, the author of Moby Dick, comments in that famous work, “fine ladies and gentlemen should regale themselves with an essence found in the inglorious bowels of a sick whale.” Are you sure you still wish to dab a little?
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